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Full IELTS Speaking Test Questions

2022-12-14 03:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Below is a full IELTS speaking test. Make sure you do the speaking test video before you read the questions below and after you finish your test, you can check the speaking test model answers.

Speaking Part 1


聽Do you live in a house or a flat? Which is your favourite room? Can you describe it? If you could improve one thing in your house, what would it be?


聽Do you enjoy watching films? What kinds of films do you like most? Did you watch much TV as a child? Are foreign language films popular in your country?

Greeting People

聽How would you greet someone who was visiting your house? Would you greet an old friend and a stranger in the same way? How do you meet new people? Do you think first impressions are important? Speaking Part 2

I鈥檇 like to move on how. I鈥檓 going to give you a topic to talk about. Here is some paper and a pen. You鈥檒l have one minute to make notes and then you鈥檒l need to speak for 2 minutes. I鈥檇 like you to talk about a holiday you recently had. Please start making notes, I鈥檒l let you know when it鈥檚 time to begin talking.

聽A Holiday you Recently Had

Describe a holiday you recently had

You should say:

Where you went Who you went with What you did there And why you enjoyed it Speaking Part 3 Now I鈥檇 like to talk more about holidays and travelling. 聽If you had the chance to travel anywhere, where would you go? Why do you think some people like to travel alone? Do you think travel has changed much over the last few decades? How does travel change people? Do you think there are any disadvantages to modern travel?







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